Maputo Mensah is devoted to building a new cultural center in the beautiful coastal village of Kokrobite, on land he already owns. He, his brother Mawuenyega, and other members of the exceptionally talented Mensah family will provide Thanks to our generous donors and their belief in our mission, the Akpe Cultural Center
officially opened on July 15, 2023. Almost immediately, the local kids started arriving for lessons in dance, drumming, singing, and storytelling.
We’re now providing instruction
and nutritious meals to more than 100 young students
each week, at no cost to them or their families.
Public school is not free in Ghana, and many families
are challenged to afford basic education for their
children. For most, additional
tuition for arts education is out
of the question.
It costs approximately $2500 per month to cover the costs of this program.
Can you help us reach this total to make sure these kids can continue to come to
the Akpe Cultural Center to learn their own cultural heritage? A monthly gift (use the Donate Now Through button on the left, and be sure to note the donation is for Maputo Mensah, Akpe Cultural Center in the special instructions) would be most helpful, but however you can help, know that Akpe means gratitude in the Ewe language, and you have so much of ours.