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Pathways To Jazz Grant Guidelines

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Pathways To Jazz Grant Application Process 2024. 

Since 2014, Pathways To Jazz has awarded grants to jazz musicians to create new, recorded works. Recordings are a key component in documenting and preserving jazz music. A high-quality recording also increases an artist’s ability to develop and connect with new audiences. Pathways To Jazz knows the value that a recorded work can play in furthering artistry and wants to support artists in this endeavor. The opportunity to apply for the grant is open to artists of all ages and stages of their musical development. The grant is used to produce a professional recording for commercial distribution and self-promotion. Printable document of this page.

Pathways To Jazz Objectives
  • Document and provide wider exposure for jazz music and the music of contemporary composers.
  • Develop jazz audiences through the creation and distribution of recorded music. 
  • Support the creation and production of new jazz recordings.
  • Assist talented musicians of all ages in producing a professional recording for commercial distribution and self-promotion.
  • Support organizations who provide music instruction and who create and foster a new generation of musicians and appreciators. 


As an artist you need the capability to produce a studio-quality recording, have a strong artistic track record and demonstrate that you would clearly benefit from producing a recording.  You should understand who your target audience is and know how the recording will be used and how you will develop your audience. 

Artists who have never been funded directly or indirectly by Pathways To Jazz will be considered first. Previous grant recipients cannot apply within five consecutive years of their funding year.

Emerging and established artists are eligible and recorded works can be original or the works of other, contemporary composers. The creative control of the recording remains with the artist.


If you are awarded the grant, the expectation is that you will create a physical CD or LP. You may ask for an exception to this rule within your grant application for consideration, but not after the grant has been awarded. If you make this request in your application, please explain why you would like an exception to made.  

You will need to provide a detailed, realistic budget and a specific timeline for your recording process with a target completion date. All recordings must be completed by December 31, 2025. You will also need to provide music samples of your work, preferably samples of the music you wish to record. 

How to Apply: To apply for the 2024 Pathways To Jazz recording grant, you must first submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for consideration. The LOI is an online form that is completed on the Boulder County Arts Alliance website. 

Letters of intent will be accepted on May 1, 2024, between 8:00am-5:00pm MT.  A link to the form will open on BCAA's Homepage. No letters will be accepted outside of the BCAA application form. No late submissions will be accepted. Be sure to register on the BCAA site (link in the upper right corner) or you will not be able to access the LOI form.

To Prepare for the Letter of Intent process you can draft your answers to the following questions that will be on the form. (Please note word count limits.) You may delete the question sentence within the form field, when applicable, so that the words in the questions do not add into your total word count. 

  • Project title – provide a one sentence summary of your project. (30 words)
  • Are you applying to fund a project that has already been recorded? If yes, please explain why you are applying for the grant? If no, write N/A. (45 words)
  • How did you hear about the grant?
  • If someone encouraged you to apply, please name them. (optional)
  • Briefly describe your recording including information on the style, instrumentation, composer, and other pertinent details. (45 words)
  • Why do you want to make this recording? What makes this project special? Why would we be excited to fund this recording? (100 words)
  • What is the total budget of your project? Please note that you will provide a specific breakdown of your expenses if you are selected to apply and those should be in line with what you estimate here to be your total budget for the project. Please note that Pathways To Jazz does not fund food, travel, equipment or transportation.
  • Do you have other sources of funding? If so, please detail with amounts. If none, write N/A.
  • Provide names of up to three musicians who will play on your project if applicable. (optional)

    You will be notified in June if you have or have not been selected to apply for the grant. Please do not make inquiries of status prior to June 30. Selected applicants will be given instruction and timeline for completing the full grant application, which will also be done through the Boulder County Arts Alliance website.

    If You Are Chosen to Apply

    The following notes are for the grant application and information on the awarding process:


    The budget form within the online application is fixed, but you may want to provide more detail. You are encouraged to elaborate on your budget in the text section of the grant application. (There is a word limit within the text section; however, you may delete the question and number it to increase your word allotment.) You may also attach a more detailed budget breakdown in the attachment section. If you do, please note that in your “other” text section. You are highly encouraged to submit a budget attachment and/or to provide additional detail. In kind expenses are those expenses for which you would have paid, but have received them for free or “in kind”. For example, if an artist donated their design to you for your cover art you can note the value in the “in kind” section. 

    Please note that Pathways To Jazz does not fund food, travel, equipment or transportation. 

    Music Samples

    Music samples are required and should be one-click access. The review panel should not need a subscription or a log in and password to listen to your music samples. Examples of platforms that are NOT acceptable: Dropbox (unless it can be accessed without an account), Facebook, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, etc. Examples of acceptable platforms are: Soundcloud, YouTube, your personal website, linked MP3s. You can upload a document that contains your links in the uploads section if desired or you can put the links in the grant text or provide an attachment with clickable links. If the grant panel cannot easily access your music samples, your grant will be disqualified


    If you are awarded a grant you are required to acknowledge Pathways To Jazz in any promotion related to the recording and you will be provided with our logo to include on your CD/LP along with specific language that acknowledges Pathways To Jazz and our fiscal sponsor, the Boulder County Arts Alliance.

    Review Process
    Pathways To Jazz wants to be confident that you understand who your target audience/market for the recording is and have a clear understanding of what you will gain from the recording, specifically how you will reach your audience and how you will help to further the objectives of Pathways To Jazz. 

    Selection and funding decisions will be made by a panel. The following criteria will be applied in evaluating grant proposals:

    • Quality of the music. 
    • The significance of the project to the applicant and those involved in the project.
    • Artistic quality and the performance, education and recording history of the musicians that will be on the recording. 
    • Feasibility of the recording project including financial feasibility, adequate timeline for production and release, and plans for distribution and promotion.
    • Commitment to the Pathways To Jazz program objectives. 


    Q. How can I best prepare to submit my letter?

    A. Because the application is open on May 1 only between 8:00-5:00pm MT, it is advisable to create your BCAA login and password in advance and locate where the application is on the website. The questions for the letter are stated above and you can prepare your text in advance and copy it into the form when the process opens.  It is recommended that you plan to submit your letter at the beginning of the acceptance period to allow for technical trouble shooting should there be a need. 

    Q. If I am selected to apply, what will the questions be on the grant application?
    A. The panelists reviewing your grant application will not have reviewed your letter of intent, so please answer the grant questions with that in mind. Please see this pdf for the grant application questions. 

    Q. What are the funding amounts and limits for a recording project? 

    A. Historically, grants have ranged from $1,000-$5,000.  When applying for any amount, please answer the question of how you will proceed with your project if you are not funded the amount you request. You may also answer an optional question about how receiving more than what you’ve requested would impact your project. 

    Q. How do I submit samples of my work?

    A. It is essential that the grant panel can listen to your work, whether that is past projects, or the music for the recording you would like to make.  Please make it easy to find and listen to your samples. Provide mp3s or direct links. Do not provide a link to any program or platform that will require a panel member to download a program, create a login, or need an account or a password as this will not happen.  You may upload MP3s, link to your website and suggest specific tracks, provide links to YouTube, upload a document as an attachment that contains clickable links and information, etc. Make it as easy as possible for the panel to listen to your music and the specific tracks you want to highlight. If the panel cannot easily locate and listen to your music, you may be disqualified from receiving a grant. Music samples that provide a sense of what you’d like to record on your new album are particularly encouraged. 

    Q. Can I record my album in my home studio?

    A. The purpose of the grant is to fund a professional and high-quality recording. You are discouraged from applying for a home studio recording. The Pathways To Jazz recording grant may not be used to purchase equipment for a home studio or otherwise. 

    Q. What is excluded from funding?

    A. Travel, food, equipment, and transportation expenses will not be supported by this grant.

    Q. Can I apply for more funding if I have been previously funded by Pathways To Jazz?

    A. Previous grant recipients cannot apply within five consecutive years of their funding year. Consideration will be given first to applicants who have never received a recording grant.

    Q. When will I know if I am selected?

    A. Decisions will be made, and all applicants will be notified around the end of August.  Please do not make inquiries. You will be notified if you do or do not receive the grant.

    Q. I have more questions – who should I ask?

    A. Please contact  Find past winners and their completed albums at Pathways To Jazz