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Gallery 1261 presents David Shevlino, One Man Show

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Saturday, May 23rd, 2015
Starts at 11:00 AM
Gallery 1261
1261 Delaware
Denver, CO 80204

Major force in contemporary figuration offers workshop in Denver, followed by one man show.

Gallery 1261 is pleased to announce a show of works by internationally recognized figure painter David Shevlino. Classically trained at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Art Students League of New York, Shevlino will arrive in Denver April 30 to teach a four day workshop about painting the figure, focusing on working alla prima, or “wet into wet,” using a live model. On May 1, his one man show of new works will open to the public, from 6:00-9:00 PM.

“I tend to become bored if I stay in one place too long,” Shevlino said when asked about his current work and the path he’s taken to get to here. “I’ve gone through lots of different stages in my career. I started with a very solid, classical training, lots of emphasis on drawing skills and a love of the old masters. By the time I got to art school at 17 I already knew quite a bit about art history and had a good sense of what went on in painting before the 20th century. Unfortunately, for the first 10-13 years after art school I had a somewhat myopic view of what art was about; I wasn’t interested in modern or contemporary work. That changed radically when I began experimenting in the early 90s with abstraction and surrealism. It was a good experience because it opened me up to more ideas and challenged my preconceptions of what painting was and could be. My painting has evolved since then both thematically and stylistically.”

Most recently, Shevlino has focused on exploring the space between realism and abstraction. His colors are exaggerated, shapes and forms are accentuated with strong chroma, and he uses greater contrast between dark and light. Through his lush brushwork, he’s been playing with fragmenting images of the figure on canvas. “I love to experiment and to see where it takes me,” he said.

As for the workshop, Shevlino will challenge artists to use the technique of painting oils “wet into wet,” working from a live model. “I focus on core fundamentals of drawing and painting, getting students to see form simplistically, to disregard details and breaking it down into large shapes,” he said. “I also try to get students to not be afraid of painting or making mistakes; experimenting and taking risks are OK in my book.”

More Information
Chris Serr
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