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Teen Creative Writing Workshop

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Class (drop-in)
Thursday, June 8th, 2017
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
777 Pearl Street
Suite 211
Boulder, CO 80302

Whether you're an aspiring poet, a budding novelist, or simply curious about creative writing, this 4-week workshop offers the opportunity to grow your writing practice, explore different forms, and receive one-on-one mentorship in a small group setting of like-minded peers. 

Through weekly prompts inspired by our favorite authors and the people, places, and objects around us, writers will be challenged to generate new material in the genre of their choice. We'll share our work, learn how to give constructive feedback, and get personal guidance on how to move our individual projects forward. 

A fun, thought-provoking way to discover your voice and stretch your creativity in a community of young writers, led by a dynamic mentor. 

Ages 13 and up

More Information
Carla Riccio
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