This grant is not available at this time.
Community Foundation Boulder County announces the first open funding opportunity from the Boulder County Crisis Fund, a fund created to respond to the mass shooting at the Table Mesa King Soopers. At this time, approximately $100,000 is available to address community healing in South Boulder. We believe community healing involves people connecting, remembering, reflecting, taking care of one another, and finding meaning in the current reality.
This RFP invites proposals for community healing events, projects, programs, classes and services in South Boulder to be implemented between July 15, 2021 and December 30, 2022. To be eligible, the proposed activities must be held within the geographical boundaries defined below and within the stated dates.
Geographic Boundaries of Eligibility
- North: Baseline Rd
- East: 36, South Boulder Rd, Cherryvale Rd
- South: Marshall Rd, Eldorado Springs Dr.
- West: Open Space
Eligible Activities will:
- Be designed in response to the March 22 shooting and disasters of the last year.
- Have community healing as the primary purpose of activities proposed.
- Be planned and implemented with a trauma-informed lens, and in demonstrated consultation with the BoulderStrong Resource Center or other trauma therapist, or victim advocate.
- Be primarily designed to gather and support the residents within the eligible boundaries but may be open to participants from the larger Boulder community.
- Have at least one host of proposed activities that is located within the eligible geographic boundaries.
- Expect at least 12 unrelated people to attend or benefit from proposed activities.
- Not have a particular religious, political or policy agenda or message.
- If hosted by a congregation, will be nonsectarian or interfaith, and designed to attract community members beyond the host congregation.
- Take place in a publicly accessible location.
- Actively promote equitable access for people from historically underrepresented communities.
- Adhere to all social distancing/COVID-19 requirements in effect at the time of proposed activities.
- Provide documentation of written consent of the property owner(s) if grantee is a tenant or otherwise unaffiliated with proposed activity location(s).
- Be free of charge and open to the public.
- Event will follow all local laws and obtain required permits.
This funding opportunity is intended to support short-term initiatives within the eligible boundaries. Grant funds are intended to support neighborhood and community-based groups and collaborations to address community healing needs in South Boulder in response to the shooting.
This round of funding is NOT intended to support:
- Routine and ongoing programs of nonprofits.
- Activities outside of or not designed to support residents within the eligible geographical boundaries.
- Ongoing services within the BoulderStrong Resource Center; there are other funding sources for this need. However, bringing programming from the BoulderStrong Resource Center out into the community is eligible for funding.
- The purchase of alcohol.
- Overhead or profits, only direct expenditures are eligible grant costs.
A total of approximately $100,000 will be available to grant for this RFP. The maximum grant amount available will be $10,000. Only one grant will be made per applicant. Grants will be given on a rolling basis. This RFP will remain open until funds are expended.
Applications must be received via our online grant portal.
Additional eligibility and grant requirements
- Grantees must be currently recognized as a public charity in the United States, including nonprofits with 501(c)(3), or governmental [170(c)(1)], or educational and religious institutions. Groups or organizations that do not have such designations may only apply in partnership with an IRS-qualified entity as a fiscal sponsor. The Boulder County Arts Alliance has agreed to provide fiscal sponsorship for those that are not recognized as public charities. Please contact info@bouldercountyarts.org to discuss this process before submitting a grant proposal.
- Grantees must use grant proceeds only for the stated purpose of the grant, and within the stated timelines.
- Grants from Community Foundation Boulder County are exclusively for activities in Boulder County and for the benefit of Boulder County residents.
- Community Foundation Boulder County does not make grants to organizations where grant money from our unrestricted or field of interest funds would be used to further a particular political or religious doctrine.
- Applications Open: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 8 am
- Deadline to Submit Applications: RFP will remain open until funds are expended
- Awards to be Announced: On a rolling basis
Apply online
For more information, please contact us. Thank you for your time and effort in completing this application!