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COVID-19 Resources

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COVID - 19 Arts and Culture Relief Fund

In partnership with the Bonfils-Stanton Foundation, The Denver Foundation created The COVID-19 Arts & Culture Relief Fund to provide emergency support to struggling arts organizations across Metro Denver.

Stay at Home Colorado, links to free resources that support Coloradans to stay at home, from wellness to critical services, to education, to entertainment, and so much more.

You are also invited to add free resources, so they have added a "Suggest a Resource" link.

COVenture Forward Mentoring Program

Our mission is to help entrepreneurs and small businesses through the COVID-19 crisis. We’re creating ways to support businesses through mentors, insights from our faculty, and eventually through student support on projects. Armed with quality guidance and education, entrepreneurs can move their business forward and come out the other side stronger as both individuals and members of our collective community. 

COVenture Forward is providing experienced community mentors in order to help small businesses and not-for-profit organizations navigate these challenging times. 

If you are interested in being paired with a mentor, apply here

Actos de Confianza micro-grant

The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) recognizes the compounding impact that the COVID-19 public health pandemic is having on our communities and artistic field. In this moment of uncertainty, we return to the importance of confianza – the act of mutual trust and support to carve a way forward. NALAC has created the Actos de Confianza micro-grant initiative to support artists and arts administrators whose work has been adversely impacted by COVID-19. We will be making $500 micro-grants to provide these individuals with short-term emergency financial assistance to compensate for loss of income due to the cancellation of an event, engagement, project or employment.

Artist Relief

Grants to artists that are experiencing dire financial emergencies: 

Arts Administrators of Color has launched the Arts Leaders of Color Emergency Fund to support BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) artists and arts administrators impacted by COVID-19 through $200 microgrants. Application ongoing.

Sipp Culture has launched an Artist Relief Fund as part of a new $5 million dollar regranting partnership. Sipp Culture is now accepting applications from artists of color and organizations led by people of color working in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Applications due October 1.     

Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund offers $1,500 grants to artists who have had performances or exhibitions canceled or postponed due to COVID-19. Open to individual artists based in the U.S. Applications due December 1.

Bonfils Stanton covid-19 Relief Fund

Read Bonfils-Stanton Foundation's COVID-19 Arts & Culture Relief Fund brochure for additional information and eligibility requirements.


Boulder Chamber COVID19 Small Business Relief Fund 

The goal of the Small Business Relief Fund is to expedite financial support for temporary relief for small for-profit and nonprofit businesses in the City of Boulder facing unexpected expenses, which are extra challenging to cover during this period of business inactivity due to the COVID-19 response.  Grants up to $2,500 per business will be available to meet these one-time needs.


COVID19 Freelance Artist Resources


CERF+ The Artists Safety Net 

Have you or an artist you know experienced a recent, career threatening emergency, such as an illness, accident, fire or natural disaster?

Colorado Humanities Relief Grant

Creative Neighborhoods - COVID19 Work Projects

$599 in project funding available for Boulder artists. Apply now through April 23rd.


Writers Emergency Fund

PEN America is expanding its long-standing Writers’ Emergency Fund as part of our efforts to support the literary community at a time when the health and livelihoods of so many are at risk.


Maurice Sendak - Writers Fund

The Maurice Sendak Foundation (MSF), which has seeded a new emergency relief grant program for children's picture book artists and writers who have experienced financial hardship from loss of income as a direct result of the COVID-19 crisis.