Important: Be sure to read the grant guidelines as changes have been made since the last Endowment Grant rounds. Requests that do not include the required information and attachments will not be considered for funding.
The BCAA Endowment was established through the generous support of Neodata Services, Inc. in 1986 to further artistic excellence and promote stability among artists and arts organizations operating within Boulder County.
Endowment funds are administered to provide arts organizations with General Operating Support and individual artists with Equipment purchase or Project support that will demonstrate relevance and measurable impact on the community.
The minimum grant award is $1,000 (the applicant can request less). The General Operating Support, Project and Equipment Grant funding cap is $5,000. All applicants must be members of BCAA.
BCAA Endowment grants are available twice each year (see guidelines for details):
- Organization General Operating Support - spring and late summer
- Individual Project or Equipment Support - late summer
Individual artists and organizations may only receive one grant per calendar year and may not receive grants in two consecutive cycles. All applicants must be members of BCAA. Access to the grant program is a member benefit.
The next application deadline is TBD 2025, 5pm.
If you need more information and guidance about the application process, please email charlotte@bouldercountyarts.org. Si necesita ayuda en español contacte a Soledad Diaz at soledad@bouldercountyarts.org para agendar una reunion informativa.
All proposals must be submitted through the online application form. The application links, below, will be activated when we begin accepting proposals for the grant cycle. Be sure to select the correct form for your proposal and read the guidelines for information about funding priorities.
- Guidelines for General Operating, Equipment Purchase or Project Support
- Application for General Operating Support - spring and late summer (organizations only)
- Application for Equipment Purchase - late summer (individuals only)
- Application for Project Support - late summer (individuals only)
Final Report: A final report must be submitted within 12 months of the grant award date or prior to applying for any other BCAA grants. You must use the online final report form.
Who may apply: BCAA will accept applications from any individual artist, arts organization, arts group, or school that is based or operates in Boulder County for at least one year. If the applicant is not based in Boulder County, explain how your work benefits the residents of Boulder County. All applicants must be members of BCAA. 501(c)(3) status is not required.
Activities not funded: The following activities are not eligible for support through the BCAA Endowment grant program:
- Fundraising activities
- Money for prizes
- Membership and ticket selling campaigns
- Travel expenses
- Deficit reduction
- Receptions
- Organizations or individuals that practice discrimination of any kind
- Efforts to influence legislation or support candidates for political office
- Organizations or individuals that have received a BCAA Endowment grant in the previous cycle