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Of Earth: Boulder Potters' Guild

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This event occurred 7 years ago.
Sunday, January 1st, 2017
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
2590 Walnut Street
Boulder, CO 80302

Exhibition Reception: Friday, December 2, 5:00-7:00pm

Of Earth is a juried selection of ceramic work highlighting the wide range of approaches, styles, and techniques mastered by current members of the Boulder Potters’ Guild. Including both functional and sculptural ceramic work, this show demonstrates the limitless expressive possibilities of the simple substance that unites our creative community: clay.

The Boulder Potters’ Guild is an educational non-profit cooperative founded in Boulder in 1969 for the purpose of promoting clay arts. We provide studio space and facilities to our 70+ members, and classes and workshops to the public.

Free, suggested $5 donation
More Information
India Lovato
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