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Stephanie Hilvitz and Karen Yust @ Boulder Arts & Crafts Gallery

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This event occurred 7 years ago.
Friday, September 30th, 2016
10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
1421 Pearl St
Boulder, CO 80302

Dia de los Muertos has deep roots in the indigenous cultures of Mexico. It is celebrated on the first and second day of November as a public holiday where families gather to honor their deceased relatives. They create altars with sugar skulls, paper mache skeletons and marigold flowers. The families gather at the graves of relatives and decorate them with the flowers and skeletons. It is a festive event and the beauty and feeling of the holiday has captured the imagination of cultures around the world. 

This year Boulder Arts & Crafts Gallery honors this tradition with a show of new work by local artists Karen Yust and Stephanie Hilvitz. Karen works with mosaic designs that are inspired by the motifs of Die de los Muertos. While many of her designs maintain the coherence of the orginal plate or cup, the fragments blend into a new design. Her careful handling of the small pieces of tile is reflected in these fun new arrangements. She thoughtfully combines the pottery shards and skeletons in a way that celebrates transformation of the objects into playful altars. 

While she is a master of many artful mediums, this new work of Stephanie Hilvitz is informed by her love of folklore and cultural traditions of Mexico. This series of paintings is based on art of the Loteria game popular in Mexican tradition. The colors and exuberance of her designs also reflects her interest in this festive tradition. 

More Information
Priscilla Cohan

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