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In the Main Gallery: “Arrangement for a Silent Orchestra”

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This event occurred 8 years ago.
Saturday, February 13th, 2016
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
667 4th Ave
Longmont, CO 80502

Arrangement for a Silent Orchestra” is a painting and video project which explores the gradual dissolution of culture in contemporary society through the symbolic ruin of a personal and cultural icon, the violin. Using the violin as a metaphor, Comnick intends to raise questions about the relationship between increasing technology and diminishing cultural heritage. The audience is invited to consider what makes the instrument precious in his or her own experience, and the impact of its loss.

After collecting nearly one hundred violins beyond repair from instrument shops nationwide, Comnick piled them in a mountaintop clearing and burned them at dusk. Observing the site from six o’clock p.m. to six o’clock a.m., the documentation of the event is the source material for the series of large-scale paintings that depict the pile of violins in various phases of ruin: at sunset, illuminated by the lowering sun; at nightfall, in stages of burning; and at dawn, the charred remains. A video accompanies the paintings, documenting the pile from sunset to sunrise.

suggested $5
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Mary Chapin Durling
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