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Feel Good Fridays

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Class (drop-in)
Friday, September 9th, 2022
12:15 AM - 12:45 PM
1085 18th St
Boulder, CO 80309

You are invited to this weekly hybrid workshop to learn about a work of art and then participate in a related mindfulness practice. You are welcome to join us in the museum galleries in person or virtually via Zoom. The powerful, guided meditation can undo stress, soothe the nervous system, and help you feel relaxed and revitalized. If practiced regularly, the meditation teaches a method for feeling calm, easeful, and resilient, even when facing life’s challenges. Meditations are open to students, faculty, staff, and the public. All are welcome and there is no need for past experience with meditation. Registration is required if attending virtually. All sessions begin promptly at 12:15.

More Information
Traci McDonald
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