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FEARLESS SOLOS: Writing and Performing Your Stories

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Class (drop-in)
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
4747 N. 26th St
Boulder, CO 80301

In this ten week series, you will write, develop and perform a 10-15 minute solo that ONLY YOU can create! You'll work collaboratively in a safe and deeply supportive environment while your fears wait patiently outside the door. (Or maybe your fears will sit quietly next to you, or maybe they will dance around you and you'll become pals, or maybe they'll hang out in your belly and add the fire to your solo...) Inside the door you'll explore your voice, your body, your words, your secrets, your oldest stories and your wildest imaginings.  You'll dive into movement, writing and physical theater exercises in order to create an embodied performance that tells YOUR story and speaks YOUR truth. The class will culminate in an informal performance of our work together for an invited audience, starring  YOU. BEING. BIG.

Scared to perform? This class is for you! Been performing since you were 2? This class is for you! Come play with your marvelous voice, your exquisite body, your ordinary stories, your reliable mistakes, your words whispered from behind closed doors, your name shouted out loud from a mountaintop.  For performers and non-performers, writers and non-writers.

No class 11/21; final performance open to invited guests on 12/12

Johanna Walker has been making original solo and ensemble theater, dance and improvisation works for over 15 years. She holds an MFA in Theater: Contemporary Performance from Naropa University and has performed throughout the US and Canada in theaters, studios, street corners, bathrooms and subway stations. She's taught writing and performance-making to kids, teenagers, senior adults and everyone in between, and loves what happens when we witness each other telling our stories and being our full human selves.

For more info and to register:

$360 / $330 if paid in full by 9/19
More Information
Johanna Walker
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