BCAA works with artists and arts organizations from a wide variety of disciplines. One of our goals is to assist artists and arts organizations in developing community and a network of support by increasing visibility and communication.
Here is a link to Rules to Run a 501c3 Organization. This is an extremely informative document by Ken Ransford, Attorney at Law, CPA. Ken spoke at the Colorado Creative Industries Conference in May 2016 and was kind enough to share his notes.
Carol Nickell of Nickell Consultants has shared her presentation on Creating Effective Evaluations.
Deborah Malden, Arts Liaison & Advisor at the Boulder Chamber, has shared her presentation on How to Read Financial Statements.
Nikki McCord of McCord Consulting has shared her presentation on Build an Empowered Board.
Frequent Business of Arts Presenter, Cindy Sewell Hohman, has shared her presentation on Social Media for Artists.
Need help with your taxes? Make an appointment with Block Advisors in Boulder and present this Referral Form. Also, check out this MileIQ app which helps you expense or deduct the miles you drive and this article about the pitfalls of donating your art.
Following are links to a variety of arts resources locally and nationally. Please contact us if you know of a website or resource you think we should include here.
- Funding Sources
- Arts Advocacy/Technical Assistance Resources
- Arts Calendars
- Arts Related Jobs
- Opportunities
- Other Resources
Emergency Support:
cerf+ - Craft Emergency Relief Fund, Artists' Emergency Resources - Strengthening and sustaining the careers of craft artists
www.coemergency.com is the public website for Colorado Office of Emergency Management and under the tab “Flood Recovery” there is a host of information including links to all county/local disaster assistance centers and information (211) etc etc.
In addition, under the flood recovery tab, on the left hand side bar, there is a link with information for institutions (and individuals) with cultural and historic materials. That information was put together by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO at History Colorado) and the Colorado Cultural and Historic Resources Alliance (CCAHRA). There have been some recent updates.
Joan Mitchell Foundation Emergency Program
National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response
Funding Sources
Colorado funding sources:
Community Foundation Serving Boulder County
GEO: Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Scientific and Cultural Facilities District
Other funding resources:
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Internet Prospector Foundations/Grants
National Association for Latino Arts and Culture
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
New England Foundation for the Arts
Online Fundraising Resource Center
Santo Foundation -– Individual artists grants, travel stipends and artist-in-residence studios in major cultural centers.
Seliger Associates -– Free Grant Information
State Historical Fund -– History Colorado -– Assists in a wide variety of preservation projects including restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings, architectural assessments, archaeological excavations, designation and interpretation of historic places, preservation planning studies, and education and training programs. Grants vary in size, from a few hundred dollars to amounts in excess of $200,000.
Arts Advocacy/Technical Assistance Resources
The Abundant Artist.com -– Dispelling the starving artist myth
Artist Drift -– White paper produced by CU'’s Presidents Leadership students.
Artwork Archive -– Solutions for Artists, Collectors & Organizations. Helps you easily organize and manage your artwork.
Audience Development Specialists -– Quality services for developing a quality audience.
Colorado Business Committee For the Arts (CBCA) -– Membership organization (businesses only) works to promote corporate support for the arts. Provides workshops on request.
Colorado Creative Industries -– Responsible for statewide arts policy. Provides a number of statewide programs.
Colorado Department of Education (CDE) -– State office serving K-12 arts educators with technical assistance.
Colorado Music Business Organization (COMBO) -– volunteer-run, registered, and incorporated, tax-exempt, non-profit organization that offers networking, education and support resources for all your music needs in the Colorado area.
Compass Point Nonprofit Services
Creative Canvas Solutions -– See this presentation on what makes a Successful website.
New York Foundation for the Arts
NPower -– Putting technology know-how in the hands of non-profits
Rand Corporation -– Improving policy and decision making through research and analysis
Social Venture Partners -– Social Venture Partners (SVP) builds relationships between donors, volunteers and organizations that are out to change our world.
Arts Calendars
Arts Related Jobs
New York Foundation for the ArtsPage not found
Regis University (click on the Non-profit Job Bank at the top of the page)
Agora Gallery -– Fine art gallery dedicated to the promotion of national and international artists, providing fine art to established and new collectors, catering to special events in support of fine art.
Boulder County Arts Alliance -– Calendar and Bulletin listing calls for entries, grant opportunities, workshops, and much more!
Colorado Artist Tour -– Provides lists of shows & includes applications
Technology Resources for Non-Profits
COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER -– The Community Resource Center provides opportunities, tools and strategies for Colorado nonprofit organizations and community groups to achieve a more just society.
iBOULDER DIGITAL -– iBoulder Digital supports our local arts community by providing artists affordable websites and iPhone app development. iBoulder Digital will realize your idea and create the tool you need to help promote your artistic endeavor. iBoulder Digital can also be employed to maintain your site on an ongoing basis. For more information and prices, please email questions@iboulderdigital.com or visit www.iboulderdigital.com
TECH SOUP -– TechSoup Stock connects nonprofits with donated and discounted technology products.
N-TEN -– a professional community that connects people involved in nonprofit technology and strives to help them effectively use technology in their work
Other Resources
ArtsReady -– Provides crisis planning, mitigation and recovery advice
Boulder Valley School District
ClasSearch.com -– Register for art classes online
Downtown Longmont Art & Live Entertainment Venue Map
e-artnow -– Resource for all kinds of interesting opportunities and notices of happenings. Also, an electronic information service distributing selected e-mail announcements related to contemporary visual arts.
Guide Star -– The National Database of Nonprofit Organizations
Metro Volunteers -– Provide a variety of ways to recruit, train and connect volunteers, nonprofit organizations and corporations alike.
Spark the Change Colorado
Music Mates -– National musician referral service
Sidewalk Cafe Design - Specializes in creating websites for artists. Discount for BCAA members